Booking a Hotel in Keokuk, IA
Keokuk Iowa has many historic sites and other attractions to see. The town is host to annual events throughout the year including the Battle of Pea Ridge Civil War Reenactment in April and Bald Eagle Appreciation Days in January. There are many nice Bed and Breakfasts to stay in located right on the beautiful Grand Avenue. That area is known as the "Miracle Mile" for its many historic homes that overlook the Mississippi. Keokuk has a small town feel and a rich heritage. For a unique experience visit Dam Number 19. Here you can experience the incredible amount of water and all its power as it flows through the lock and Dam. With such a rich heritage you can learn all about how the United States and Keokuk's history intertwine. As well as the Civil War, American Indians, literature, industrial development and Victorian architecture. There are so many things to learn in Keokuk Iowa.
- Bridge Observation Deck
- Grand Anne Bed & Breakfast
- Keokuk Labor Temple Breakroom Lounge
- Keokuk National Cemetery
- Rand Park
- Southeastern Community College
- George M. Verity Riverboat Museum
- UnityPoint-Keokuk
- Southeast Iowa Regional Airport
- US Coast Guard
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