Booking a Hotel in McPherson, KS
McPherson, Kansas is just north of Wichita. Easy to access, it's just a straight shot north. McPherson has several historic locations great for visitors. The McPherson County Old Mill Museum welcomes all visitors. Rolling Hills Zoo is also ready for all your family fun desires. The Cosmosphere is also a local attraction. This space and science museum is truly a unique Kansas gem. Housing a history of space exploration, you'll be entertained and educated when you leave. Easy to access, you can fly directly into McPherson. A short two and a half hour drive from Kansas City and also a quick drive into Missouri, you have plenty of options. Despite its small size, multiple accommodations and lodging types are readily available to select from. Along with ample selection of places to rest your head, local cuisine and even chain favorites will keep your hunger satisfied. A great example of Kansas, McPherson is the place to see.
- Cosmosphere
- Dreadlock Escape Room
- Dyck Arboretum of the Plaines
- Kansas State Fair
- Lakeside Park
- Park Department
- Wall Park
- Central Christian College
- McPherson College
- Kansas Historical Marker
- McPherson Museum and Arts Foundation
- McPherson Hospital
- Mid-Continent Airport
- Salina Municipal Airport
- Kansas Army National Guard
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