Booking a Hotel in Watertown, WI
Watertown Wisconsin is a quaint town with big city conveniences. From national chains to independent retailers, a unique blend of dining and shopping awaits visitors. Head over to historic Main Street and explore eight blocks of unique retail shops. Main Street also offers coffee shops, antiques, bookstores, shoe stores and jewelry stores. After a day filled with shopping refuel in one of the many restaurants Watertown has to offer. Enjoy a taste of local cuisine by exploring the cafes and pubs that are located throughout the neighborhoods and downtown. You will also find many restaurants serving up Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Greek, Mexican, German and American food. For a unique experience check out the Octagon House. This historic house has three floors of history to explore dating all the way back to 1854. In the back garden, you will also find the very first kindergarten in the United States. A full day of incredible history to explore.
- Casey's on Q
- Kurtz's Pour Side of Town Saloon
- Lyon's Irish Pub
- Skate Express
- Maranatha Baptist University
- The Octagon House
- Watertown Regional Medical Center
- Watertown Municipal Airport
- US Army National Guard Recruiting
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