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Queen Anne Inn

 Queen Anne Inn Queen Anne Inn is a charming bed and breakfast located in the historic town of Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. The inn is housed in a beautiful Queen Anne-style Victorian mansion that dates back to the late 1800s. The property boasts a tranquil and picturesque setting, with well-manicured gardens and a large veranda where guests can relax and take in the scenic views. The interior of the inn is elegantly decorated with period furnishings, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for guests to enjoy.

The Queen Anne Inn offers 11 spacious and tastefully decorated guest rooms, each with its own unique charm. All rooms come equipped with modern amenities such as cozy duvets, soft linens, and private bathrooms. Some of the rooms also feature fireplaces and Jacuzzi tubs, perfect for a romantic getaway. The inn also has a common lounge area for guests to socialize and a dining room where a delicious homemade breakfast is served each morning.

The location of Queen Anne Inn is ideal for exploring the historic town of Annapolis Royal. Within walking distance, guests can visit Fort Anne National Historic Site, the Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens, and the Sinclair Inn Museum. Other nearby attractions include the Tidal Power Station (1.5km) and the Annapolis Lighthouse (2.3km). For those who enjoy outdoor activities, the Bay of Fundy is just a short drive away and offers opportunities for whale watching, kayaking, and hiking. With its charming setting, cozy accommodations, and convenient location, Queen Anne Inn is the perfect destination for a relaxing and memorable stay in Annapolis Royal.

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