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USS Kidd

Baton Rouge Travel Guide USS Kidd, located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is a popular attraction for tourists and visitors interested in military history. The USS Kidd, nicknamed the "Pirate of the Pacific," is a Fletcher-class destroyer that served in World War II, the Korean War, and the Cold War. It now serves as a museum and memorial to honor those who served and sacrificed on this vessel.

Visitors to USS Kidd can explore the various areas of the ship, including the bridge, engine rooms, living quarters, and the galley. Exhibits and artifacts on board provide an interactive and educational experience, showcasing the life and operations of the crew during different time periods. Additionally, the ship hosts events such as overnight stays for Boy Scouts and educational programs for school groups.

In addition to its historical significance, USS Kidd also offers stunning views of the Mississippi River and the Baton Rouge skyline. The ship is conveniently located along the waterfront and is easily accessible for visitors. Whether you are a history buff, a military enthusiast, or just looking for a unique experience, USS Kidd is a must-visit destination in Baton Rouge. So make sure to add it to your itinerary and immerse yourself in the rich history and beauty of this iconic naval ship.

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