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Fort McHenry

Owings Mills Travel Guide Fort McHenry is a historic military fort located in Owings Mills, Maryland, just a short drive from Baltimore. This fort is famously known for its role in the War of 1812, specifically during the Battle of Baltimore. During this battle, American soldiers successfully defended the fort from a British attack, causing the British to retreat and leading to a significant turning point in the war. Today, Fort McHenry stands as a proud symbol of American resilience and courage, and it holds great historical importance for visitors of all ages.

This fort is also the birthplace of the Star-Spangled Banner, the national anthem of the United States. During the Battle of Baltimore, Francis Scott Key was inspired by the sight of the American flag still flying over the fort after a night of intense fighting, inspiring him to write the lyrics to the famous song. Visitors can still see the original Star-Spangled Banner flag on display at the fort's museum, along with other artifacts and exhibits that tell the story of the fort's role in the War of 1812.

In addition to its rich history, Fort McHenry is a beautiful place to visit and explore. The fort is surrounded by picturesque views of the Baltimore Harbor and is home to scenic walking trails, picnic areas, and a visitor's center. Visitors can also attend live demonstrations and events that bring the fort's history to life. For tourists and visitors interested in American history and national pride, a visit to Fort McHenry is a must-see attraction that will leave a lasting impression.

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