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CL Hoover Opera House

Junction City Travel Guide The CL Hoover Opera House, located in Junction City, OR, is a historic performing arts venue that has been entertaining audiences since 1937. Originally built as a movie theater, the opera house has undergone several renovations and now houses a stage for live performances, including concerts, plays, and dance shows. The ornate art deco facade and interior design of the CL Hoover Opera House provide a unique and charming backdrop for a memorable night out for visitors and tourists.

The history of the CL Hoover Opera House is an important part of the local community and its preservation is a testament to the dedication and pride of the people of Junction City. The opera house has hosted a variety of renowned performers and events throughout its lifetime, adding to its cultural significance. It also serves as a hub for community events, bringing people together to enjoy the arts and support local talent. Visiting this historic venue is not only a chance to witness exceptional performances, but also an opportunity to appreciate and support the vibrant arts community of Junction City.

For tourists and visitors, a visit to the CL Hoover Opera House is a must-see experience that combines entertainment with a glimpse into the history and culture of Junction City. The old-world charm of the building, combined with its modern amenities and technology, offers a unique and unforgettable setting for performances. Additionally, the opera house is located within walking distance of other attractions, such as local shops and restaurants, making it a perfect stop for a night out on the town. Whether you are a theater enthusiast or simply looking for a fun and memorable evening, the CL Hoover Opera House is a must-visit destination in Junction City.

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