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Coronado Historic Site

Albuquerque Travel Guide Coronado Historic Site, located in Albuquerque, NM, is a must-visit for tourists and visitors interested in learning about the history of the region. This site is situated on the site of an ancient Native American village called Kuaua, which was inhabited by the Pueblo people. The village dates back to the 14th century and is believed to have been the first major settlement established by the puebloan ancestors. This makes Coronado Historic Site a significant place to explore for those interested in Native American history and culture.

The main attraction of the site is the partially excavated ruins of the Kuaua village. Visitors can see the remnants of the stone and adobe structures that were once home to the puebloan people. The most remarkable feature of the ruins is the reconstructed kiva, a ceremonial underground room that was used for rituals and gatherings. In addition to the ruins, the site also has a visitor center that exhibits artifacts, tools, and pottery from the village, providing a deeper insight into the daily lives of the inhabitants.

One of the most intriguing aspects of Coronado Historic Site is its connection to the famous Spanish explorer, Francisco Vázquez de Coronado, who visited the site in the 16th century in search of the legendary Seven Cities of Gold. Although he did not find the gold, his expedition to this area resulted in the first European contact with the puebloan people. Plus, the name of the site is derived from him. So, for those interested in the history of European exploration and interaction with indigenous populations, Coronado Historic Site is a must-visit destination.

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