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The Evolution of Downtown Jonesboro and the Revitalization of Main Street

Jonesboro Travel Guide The Rise and Fall of Downtown Jonesboro
Downtown Jonesboro has undergone many transformations throughout its history, from a bustling hub of commerce and activity in the early 1900s to a neglected and deserted area in the 1980s. In the early days, Main Street was the heart of the city, with local businesses, theaters, and greenspaces lining its streets. However, as suburbanization became popular and the construction of malls outside the city increased, downtown Jonesboro began to decline. Many businesses closed their doors, and the once-vibrant area became run-down and forgotten.

The Start of Revitalization
In the 1990s, city officials and local business owners recognized the need for change and began to invest in revitalizing Main Street. The first major project was the creation of the ASU Downtown Campus in 1990, which brought a new energy and purpose to the area. This was followed by the renovation of the historic R.E. Lee Wilson building, which now serves as the beautiful Municipal Center. Soon, more and more businesses and restaurants started to open their doors in the once-abandoned buildings, and the downtown area began to see a resurgence of life.

The Growth of Main Street
Over the next several years, the growth and revitalization of downtown Jonesboro continued to accelerate. The city invested in beautification projects, such as the creation of the Craighead Forest Park and the completion of the walking trail along the city’s riverside. These initiatives brought in more visitors and tourists, creating a boom for local businesses. The addition of the Downtown Jonesboro Farmers Market also became a popular attraction, showcasing the region’s agriculture, crafts, and baked goods every Saturday morning.

New and Exciting Developments
In recent years, downtown Jonesboro has seen even more exciting developments, solidifying its place as a must-visit destination for families. The creation of the Brick Avenue Lofts provided a modern and stylish option for those looking to live in the heart of the city. The revitalization of the historic Jonesboro Municipal Building also brought a new restaurant and retail space, adding to the vibrant atmosphere of Main Street. The restoration of the Forum Theatre is another project that has been met with excitement, as it will once again become a hub for cultural events in the community.

The Future of Downtown Jonesboro
As a local, it has been incredible to witness the evolution of downtown Jonesboro and the incredible transformation it has undergone. With continued investment and development, the future looks bright for Main Street. Plans are in place for more restaurants, retail spaces, and entertainment venues, ensuring that there is always something new and exciting to experience in the heart of the city. So next time you’re vacationing in Jonesboro, be sure to visit our historic downtown and witness firsthand the revitalization of Main Street. You won't be disappointed.

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