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Exploring Nature and History in Dover, NH

Dover Travel Guide The Beauty of Nature
Dover, New Hampshire is a charming town located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. With its picturesque views of the Cocheco River and lush green landscapes, it's the perfect destination for families seeking a peaceful and scenic vacation. From hiking and kayaking to strolling along the waterfront, there are endless opportunities to explore and appreciate the beauty of nature in Dover. Hiking and Outdoor Activities
One of the best ways to experience the natural beauty of Dover is by taking a hike through one of the many trails in the area. Popular hiking spots include the Bellamy River Wildlife Sanctuary and the Forest City Conservation Area. These trails offer breathtaking views of the surrounding forests and waterways, as well as the chance to spot local wildlife such as deer and birds. Water Adventures
For families who enjoy water activities, Dover has plenty to offer. Rent a kayak and paddle along the meandering Cocheco River, or take a boat tour and learn about the history and ecology of the area. You can even try your hand at fishing, and if you're lucky, catch a glimpse of a majestic osprey diving for its dinner. History Comes Alive
Dover is also rich in history, making it a destination that both kids and adults will enjoy. Delve into the past at the Woodman Institute Museum, where you can explore exhibits on Native American history and see artifacts from the Civil War. Take a trip to the Children's Museum of New Hampshire, where interactive exhibits make learning about history fun for the whole family. Farm Fresh Fun
A trip to Dover wouldn't be complete without a visit to the local farms. Take your family apple picking at Apple Annie's Orchard, where you can also enjoy a hayride and visit the farm animals. During the summer months, be sure to check out the Dover Farmers' Market for fresh, locally-grown produce and handmade goods. The Perfect Family Getaway
Dover truly has something for every member of your family to enjoy. With its stunning natural landscapes, rich history, and fun outdoor activities, it's the perfect destination for a family vacation. So why not start planning your trip to Dover, NH today and experience all that this charming town has to offer?

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