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Exploring the Natural Beauty of Tomah, Wisconsin

Tomah Travel Guide The Great Outdoors
As a local of Tomah, Wisconsin, one of the things that I am most proud of is the natural beauty that surrounds our small town. From lush green forests to serene lakes, there is something for everyone to enjoy in our great outdoors. The best part? Most of these natural wonders are just a short drive away from the heart of Tomah. Stroll through the Cranberry Capital
Did you know that Tomah is known as the Cranberry Capital of Wisconsin? Our town is surrounded by numerous cranberry bogs, and there's no better way to experience them than by taking a leisurely stroll through one. The Tomah Cranberry Festival, held every September, is the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the cranberry culture and taste some delicious cranberry-inspired treats! Adventure Awaits at Lake Tomah
For those looking for a bit more adventure, Lake Tomah is the perfect spot to explore. With over 200 acres of surface area, this beautiful lake offers endless opportunities for fishing, boating, and water sports. The lake is also surrounded by a park, making it ideal for a quiet picnic or a peaceful hike along its picturesque shores. Get Lost in the Wilderness
If hiking is more your thing, then I highly recommend visiting Fort McCoy, located just a short drive from Tomah. This 60,000-acre training facility is a nature lover's paradise, with over 12 miles of hiking trails through forests, prairies, and even a rifle range! You can also opt for a guided tour of the area and get an up-close look at the local wildlife. Explore the Scenic Attractions
Tomah is also home to several scenic attractions that offer breathtaking views of our town's natural beauty. One such place is the Knutson Dam, which not only provides a stunning view but also serves as a popular spot for fishing and kayaking. Another must-see is the Whitetail Ridge Ski Area, where you can enjoy skiing, snowboarding, or tubing in the winter, and take in panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Going Green in Tomah
Not to be missed is the Tremplo Nature Trail, often referred to as the "gem" of Tomah. This 1.5-mile trail winds through 31 acres of natural landscapes and offers stunning views of Whitetail Creek. It's the perfect spot for a morning walk or an afternoon picnic with your family. As you can see, Tomah is a haven for nature lovers. Whether you enjoy a peaceful hike through forests, a fun-filled day at the lake, or immersing yourself in cranberry culture, there's something for everyone to enjoy in our small town. So the next time you visit Tomah, be sure to explore our natural beauty and experience all that our town has to offer!

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