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Exploring Strathmore's Rich Agricultural History

Strathmore Travel Guide Discover the Roots of Strathmore
As a local of Strathmore, I am proud to share with you the rich agricultural history that this town holds. Strathmore, located just 40 minutes east of Calgary, was first settled in the late 1800s by homesteaders who came to the area to make a living off the land. The fertile soil and abundance of water sources made it an ideal place for farming and ranching. Today, Strathmore continues to be an important agricultural hub in Alberta and visitors can learn about its heritage by exploring the town's various agricultural attractions. Take a Tour of Family Farms
One unique way to experience Strathmore's agricultural history is by taking a tour of the local family farms. These tours allow visitors to get up close and personal with the animals, learn about the various crops grown, and witness first-hand the hard work that goes into running a farm. Many of these family farms also offer hands-on activities for children, making it a perfect outing for families. Keep an eye out for the annual Strathmore Tour de Farm, which takes visitors on a cycling tour to different farms in the area. Visit the Wheatland County Pioneer Village
Another must-see for anyone interested in Strathmore's agricultural heritage is the Wheatland County Pioneer Village. This open-air museum showcases over 20 historic buildings, including a schoolhouse, church, blacksmith shop, and more, all of which have been carefully restored and preserved. Visitors can take a self-guided tour or join one of the guided tours offered by knowledgeable volunteers. The Village also hosts various events throughout the year, such as the Harvest Festival and Christmas Market, providing a fun and interactive way to learn about the area's history. Attend the Strathmore Stampede
The Strathmore Stampede is an annual event that celebrates the town's agricultural roots. This rodeo and fair, held every August, brings together the community and visitors for an action-packed weekend of events, entertainment, and delicious food. Watch as cowboys and cowgirls compete in traditional rodeo events, enjoy live music and performances, and indulge in some of the best fair food you'll ever taste. The Strathmore Stampede is a great opportunity to experience the vibrant culture and hospitality of Strathmore. Sample Local Produce at the Farmers' Market
For those who want to taste the fruits of Strathmore's agricultural labor, a visit to the Strathmore Farmers' Market is a must. Held every Friday from June to September, this outdoor market showcases a variety of local produce, meats, baked goods, crafts, and more. It's the perfect place to try fresh, locally-grown vegetables and fruits, or pick up some homemade jams and preserves to take home as souvenirs. The Farmers' Market is not only a great way to support local farmers, but it's also a fun and delicious way to immerse yourself in Strathmore's agricultural culture. Experience the Heart of Strathmore
From touring family farms to attending the Strathmore Stampede, there are plenty of ways to experience the heart of Strathmore's agricultural history. As a local, I highly recommend taking the time to explore these attractions and learn about the town's heritage. Not only will you have a great time, but you'll also gain a deeper appreciation for the hard work and dedication that goes into feeding our communities. So come visit Strathmore and discover the roots of this vibrant and historic town.

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