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The Best Summer Activities for Families in Yarmouth, NS

Yarmouth Travel Guide Explore the Coastal Views
Welcome to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia – a charming seaside town packed with adventure and breathtaking views. As a local, I have seen the town come to life during the summer months as visitors come from far and wide to explore its beauty. One of the best things to do as a family is to take a drive along the coastal routes. The Lighthouse Route and the Evangeline Trail are two popular drives that showcase the stunning coastal views of Yarmouth. You can also stop at various lookouts along the way to snap some family photos. Head to the Beach
Summer is all about spending time at the beach and Yarmouth has some fantastic options for families. Start your day off at Ellenwood Lake Provincial Park – a sandy beach perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and building sandcastles. The park also has picnic areas, washrooms, and hiking trails making it a great spot to spend the whole day. If you're looking for a more secluded beach experience, Sandford Beach Provincial Park is known for its tranquil atmosphere and stunning views. Take a Boat Tour
Since Yarmouth is located on the Atlantic Ocean, a boat tour is a must-do activity for families. There are various options available such as whale watching tours, lobster fishing trips, and even pirate-themed cruises for the little ones. These tours not only provide a unique perspective of the town but also allow you to spot some marine wildlife and learn about the local fishing industry. Visit the Cape Forchu Lighthouse
No trip to Yarmouth is complete without a visit to the iconic Cape Forchu Lighthouse. This lighthouse, built in 1840, sits atop rocky cliffs and offers stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean. Families can take a guided tour of the lighthouse, climb the spiral staircase to the top for panoramic views, and enjoy a picnic on the surrounding grounds. During the summer, the lighthouse holds special events such as live music and bonfires, making it a must-visit spot for families. Sample Some Local Delicacies
Yarmouth is known for its delicious seafood, so why not treat your family to a seafood feast? Try some fresh lobster, fish and chips, or seafood chowder at one of the many local restaurants. If you're feeling adventurous, you can even try your hand at lobster fishing and prepare your own catch for dinner. Don't forget to also try some blueberry-themed treats, as Yarmouth is the blueberry capital of Canada. Enjoy a Family-Friendly Event
Throughout the summer, Yarmouth hosts various festivals and events suitable for all ages. The annual Seafest and Rhythm and Blues Festival are popular events that showcase local music, food, and culture. Families can also attend outdoor movie screenings, concerts, and craft markets. Check the town's event calendar to see what family-friendly events are happening during your visit. Overall, Yarmouth is a fantastic vacation destination for families, filled with endless activities and experiences to enjoy. So pack your bags, hop in the car, and get ready to make some unforgettable memories in this charming seaside town. See you soon in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia!

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