Booking a Hotel in SeaTac, WA
SeaTac, Washington is located in King County and approximately 14 miles south of Seattle. Take the family for a fun-filled day exploring aviation history at the Museum of Flight and Space Museum. The museum features over 150 aircraft on display including the Concorde, the first presidential jet, and the first Boeing 747. This destination is popular with locals and tourists, attracting over 500,000 visitors every year also, featuring onsite student programs and summer camps. Head to another attraction with your friends and relatives at Tukwila family Fun Center and Bullwinkle's Restaurant where Go-karts, bumper boats, min-golf and many other activities will keep everyone excited.
One of the best-kept secrets is the admission free Highline Seatac Botanica Gardens. The Garden sits on approximately 10.5 acres adjacent to the North SeaTac Community Center. Included are two gardens that were physically moved to prevent their demolition during SeaTac Airport’s third runway project are now preserved for all to see.
- Angle Lake Park
- Central Terminal Main Hall
- Des Moines Creek Trail Park
- Highline SeaTac Botanical Gardens
- Kubota Garden
- Seattle Southside Regional Tourism Authority
- The Museum of Flight
- Tukwila Family Fun Center & Bullwinkle's Restaurant
- Valley Ridge Park
- Regional Hospital
- Schick Shadel Hospital
- Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
- USCG Sector Puget Sound
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